Office of Student Life

Our Mission


To grow a culture of philanthropy among the Ohio State community.

Growing the Culture of Philanthropy

Philanthropy is voluntary action for the common good. Whether giving time, talent, or treasure, a culture of philanthropy is characterized by generosity, appreciation, and community. Philanthropy can be a scholarship empowering you to earn your degree, a morning spent playing music with incarcerated youth, or a kind thank you note to your favorite professor.  Our culture of philanthropy is defined by the generosity and gratitude of Buckeyes in Columbus and around the world.

Education We build understanding of philanthropy at Ohio State and beyond.

Engagement We connect students with opportunities to support the causes they care most about. From First Year Experience presentations to Thank A Donor Day, connecting students to philanthropy is our mission.

Gratitude We strive to instill gratitude in our peers for opportunities at Ohio State and beyond. Practicing gratitude for anything– education at Ohio State to the free Adriatico's someone left in the hallway– makes all of our lives better.

We encourage philanthropy of any kind and promote the understanding Ohio State is a place to pursue the causes they care about.