Office of Student Life

Ohio State Experiences

Ohio State Experiences

Rec Sports
Give to / Rec Sports

Recreation Sports

Discretionary Fund

Funds will be directed to the areas of greatest need which may include student participation, facility improvements and more.
The Ohio State Fund

The Ohio State Fund

Provides unrestricted support for a wide range of projects and programs for the betterment of The Ohio State University.
Res Life

Res Life Student Development Fund

Inspire students to achieve their potential by providing residential programs.
Student Activities

Student Activities

Student Activities facilitates meaningful involvement, engagement and development, enabling students to contribute to a global society.


Buck-I-SERV provides students with a challenging and engaging opportunity to lead and learn through direct service experiences.
Student Life Fund

Student Life Discretionary Fund

Supporting the Office of Student Life means creating the extraordinary student experience for every Ohio State Buckeye.