Office of Student Life

Our Vision


We strive to educate students on the cultural and financial impact of altruistic behavior, cultivate a strong understanding of gratitude, and provide opportunities for current students to engage in the behavior of giving back to Ohio State in an effort to support a strong philanthropic culture among our students, past and present.


In order to promote a culture of giving, community members should always believe in the purpose for their community's existence (transparency), have opportunities to tell their story (empowerment), have the power to help others tell their stories (collaboration), and feel that their contributions are valued (gratitude).

  • Transparency: to ensure that students understand the mission, vision, values of the university and how financial support impacts its efforts
  • Empowerment: to give students responsibility as part of the whole by providing the knowledge and tools to participate
  • Collaboration: to build relationships and networks that lead to trust, balanced decision making, and consensus building
  • Gratitude: to ensure that students understand and appreciate the opportunities afforded to them by The Ohio State University and its philanthropic supporters; and to express appreciation for the donors, students, and staff who make our work possible